January 30, 2023

Tuning in to karaoke and creativity

Meet Audrey Dao

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

I grew up in Arlington, TX. I went to school at the University of Texas at Arlington where I studied Visual Communications Design and fell in love with advertising. I have an old beagle named Roosevelt and a boyfriend named Zach who I love to karaoke with on the weekends.

What’s something you love to do?

Cooking (and eating) food, karaoke, and being with friends and family.

What’s your favorite place?

The State Fair of Texas.

What do you love about the job?

Being creative with other awesome creatives and creating incredible things.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

Avatar the Last Airbender.

What’s your favorite book?

The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald.

If you could live in any sitcom, which would it be?

Abbot Elementary — I love this show and I just feel like I would have so much fun with the cast.

Are you a listener or a talker?

I am a listener when I first meet people, then I slowly become a talker.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Thai food or Vietnamese pho.

If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?

An illustrator or pottery (I’ve never done pottery but I would like to).

What’s the scariest thing you’ve done for fun?

Rode the Tower of Terror at Disney World.

What’s your favorite children’s story?

Winnie the Pooh.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?

I would take a nap or do whatever chore I’ve been putting off.

Any words of advice?

Be kind to yourself!

Why Hahahaha?

The amazing work that comes from the amazing people who work at Hahahaha. I love the creative environment.

For more about Audrey, check her bio.