May 4, 2022

The bigger picture of health

For too long, medicine has focused on the symptoms of an illness rather than the person experiencing them. Since 1970, the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (HSC) has been hard at work, pursuing new and innovative ways to approach the full spectrum of health. And while HSC is one of the nation’s premier graduate medical schools and research centers, the community it serves was still in the dark about all the ground-breaking work they were doing to secure a healthier future for everyone in North Texas. 

HSC needed a campaign to not only strengthen its brand but promote whole health and build a relationship with the community they serve.


  • Raise awareness
  • Increase brand equity
  • Define what HSC is and does
UNTHSC Campaign Billboard

Owning whole health

As HSC expands its clinical focus to the community, Hahahaha helped express its distinctive approach to medicine – shifting the conversation about health in our community from isolated and reactive to whole and inclusive. Complete with proactive ideas, treatments and solutions that have the potential to radically improve people’s lives and the future of medicine as a whole.

UNTHSC Campaign Billboards

As an institute of higher education, HSC fosters an environment that empowers innovative ideas and research, expanding the meaning of care from patient to lifestyle and community. So we reframed the brand around their commitment to improving total health – not just health care – and positioned HSC as a model and leader in the whole health initiative. 

HSC boldly and bravely pursues all paths to health.

UNTHSC Campaign Advertising

An approach to care that connects

HSC’s identity was long tied to its name rather than its impact. In rethinking the brand, we uncovered how their approach to medicine literally connects health to everyday experiences and provides new opportunities for innovation. So we introduced people to a bigger picture of health – one that considered jobs, nutrition, access to public transportation and other influences beyond symptoms that affect a community’s health.

UNTHSC Campaign Signage on Campus


The initial campaign launch covered the city of Fort Worth, securing the HSC brand firmly in local conversation. Between June and August of 2021, we were able to establish HSC’s distinct position and instill a sense of pride and community around whole health.

  • 116,736,316 Impressions  for Traditional + Digital
  • 84,667 Clicks
  • 46,539 New Users to Website