Haha Haha Co.


May 24, 2013

That's a Wrap!

A big thank you goes out to everyone who help make Hahahahamade Lemonade Co. a sweet success at Arts Goggle last weekend!
We gave away 1,250 cups of lemonade and raised $513.33, which will go toward the tree planting initiative in our very own neighborhood. A few lemons will go a long way by beautifying the area for generations to come. Our apologies to anyone who came by after we’d run out of cups. Just be sure to like us on Facebook for news on future events.

While the lemonade is long gone, we do still have a few electric-yellow Hahahahamade t-shirts left. If you took pictures of the Hahahahamade stand (or Mr. Lemon), post them on our Facebook page, tag Haha Haha and we’ll send you a free t-shirt.
When life give you lemons, make lemonade. When Hahahahamade gives you lemonade, donate money to plant trees. Bet you didn’t know that’s how the rest of that saying went.

May 24, 2013

That’s a Wrap!

A big thank you goes out to everyone who help make Hahahahamade Lemonade Co. a sweet success at Arts Goggle last weekend!

We gave away 1,250 cups of lemonade and raised $513.33, which will go toward the tree planting initiative in our very own neighborhood. A few lemons will go a long way by beautifying the area for generations to come. Our apologies to anyone who came by after we’d run out of cups. Just be sure to like us on Facebook for news on future events.

While the lemonade is long gone, we do still have a few electric-yellow Hahahahamade t-shirts left. If you took pictures of the Hahahahamade stand (or Mr. Lemon), post them on our Facebook page, tag Haha Haha and we’ll send you a free t-shirt.

When life give you lemons, make lemonade. When Hahahahamade gives you lemonade, donate money to plant trees. Bet you didn’t know that’s how the rest of that saying went.

May 15, 2013

Flashview Lifts Off

When our client, Flash Global Logistics, asked us to help launch their new product, we did. (Sometimes we can be pretty literal.)

May 8, 2013

Coming Soon!

When you’re out enjoying Arts Goggle, be sure to swing by Haha Haha at the corner of Magnolia and Adams for some…well, something special. You won’t want to miss our latest endeavor, especially since we’ll need a little help from our friends. We hope to see you in the Near Southside neighborhood on Saturday, May 18, for the spring Arts Goggle!

Stay tuned to our Facebook page to see what we’re up to!

December 2012 was four months ago and last year, but I’m going to take you back to the most wonderful time of 2012 and discuss the office Christmas party of a lifetime.
A little background: Every year our Christmas party is a surprise. The exclusive planning committee — it really exclusive I’ve tried to get on if for years — keeps plans under wraps until the party time.
Instructions we were given for this party:

  • Don’t schedule any meetings for Friday, December 7th. We will leave the office at 10 am.
  • Make sure you have your driver’s license, I know that seems like a give in, but you can’t get into the evening festivities without it
  • We will wrap things up Saturday around 4:30 pm

Packing list we were given:

  • Cocktail attire for dinner and going out, IMPORTANT: guys MUST wear a jacket to dinner (we will have time to change and freshen up before dinner)
  • Pajamas
  • Phone charger
  • Sleeping bag & pillow
  • Dress shoes
  • Walking shoes
  • Toiletries
  • Contact lenses/glasses
  • Sunglasses
  • Comfy clothes for Saturday

After months of teasing us, trying to throw us off we pulled up to DFW, got on a plane and landed here:
Yes. We had our office Christmas Part in New Orleans and it was INCREDIBLE.

Happy Friday, everyone. And to the Rangers fans among you, happy Home Opener Day as well.

This season is particularly exciting for us because one of our clients, Nolan Ryan’s Beef, is beginning their reign as official beef and hot dog sponsor of the Texas Rangers. While this probably isn’t the most shocking news you’ve heard all week, it does mean you can look forward to some pretty tasty food at the ballpark this year.

It’s been a scramble to get everything done in time for today’s game, but it’s also been a lot of fun. One of our first assignments was to create a ten-second jumbotron animation to promote dollar dog nights. Now, to be fair, dollar dogs kind of sell themselves. Apparently, senior designer Charlie Howlett recognized this and chose to use it to his advantage.

Everyone, meet Howdy, the official Hot Dog of Nolan Ryan’s Beef. Be sure to keep an eye out for him next time you’re at the ballpark.

Recently, I caught up with Charlie outside the Hahahaha men’s room to see what he had to say about creating a new American icon.

Scott: So Charlie, what do you have to say about creating a new American icon?
Charlie: I can only hope he becomes an American icon.
SYou’re being too modest. So how did Howdy come about?
C: It was pretty natural, actually.
S: Care to expand on that?
C: Well, [creative director] Todd and I got the assignment and decided we needed to create a character – a walking hot dog. So I sketched him out on the window with a dry erase marker and we knew we were onto something special.
S: Were you worried the client wouldn’t go for him?
C: We always hope that clients will find the humor…
S: Slow down, I can’t type that fast.
C: Well, you should record it. That’s what real journalists do.
S: I’m not a real journalist, Charlie.
C: Fine. We. Always. Hope…
S: Stop it.
C: (laughs) We always hope clients will find the humor in what we do. Luckily, the NRB folks loved it.
S: So how did we land on the name Howdy?
C: We had been tossing some names around, but it was the client who suggested “Howdy.” That’s when we knew they loved him as much as we did. (pauses) We thought he had legs before…
S: (groans)
C: …but that’s when we knew he could really run.
S: (groans louder)
C: That’s the truth, Scott. That’s how it happened.
S: Sure it is. Anything else?
C: Actually, seeing Howdy helped my (3-year-old) son get a better idea of what I do all day.
S: Well, not all day, but that’s cool. So is he a fan of Howdy?
C: He is.
S: That’s how you know you nailed it. Well, thanks for taking the time to chat with me, Charlie.
C: My pleasure, Scott. I’m going to go get a hot dog. It’s Opening Day, you know.
S: I did know that. That’s what this blog is about.
C: So are you going to take me out to the ballgame? You know, take me out to the crowd?
S: Okay, I think we’re done here.