Haha Haha Co.


Giving Kyzatrex® renewed energy and vibrance with a new brand campaign.

Kyzatrex Law Mower Hero


More than 20 million men deal with problems related to hypogonadism, or low testosterone. Many patients and HCPs have preconceived notions about diagnosis and treatment, and tend to focus solely on sexual health benefits. But low testosterone can also contribute to health problems ranging from mild issues such as fatigue, to severe problems including obesity, type 2 diabetes, CVD and mental illness.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is an emerging market that still falls to the bottom of the priority list for many HCPs. Despite its prevalence and chronicity, the diagnosis, administration and management of TRT remains a complex journey that, until Kyzatrex®, only came in painful, inconvenient or messy treatment options. Kyzatrex, however, brought an innovative new approach to the market by providing the option of helping patients address this important metabolic issue with a convenient daily oral dose — a difference that HCPs needed to be aware of.

Kyzatrex Heroes


  • Create a campaign that “cuts through the clutter” of prescriptive testosterone patches, gels, pills and injections
  • Develop brand messaging that resonates with both consumers and healthcare providers
  • Boost brand awareness rapidly
  • Establish metrics for gauging the success of the campaign


Because HCPs and patients alike primarily equate testosterone primarily with sexual health, Kyzatrex needed to change the conversation. Research provided insights and understanding of the target’s mindset that led to a revelation: Kyzatrex delivers the total package — convenience and a therapeutic option for a critical metabolic health issue. More importantly, Kyzatrex helps HCPs and patients make more of their everyday lives and activities.

We tapped into the truth around this once mysterious condition and chose a path that took the emphasis off of sexual health. Instead, we turned the spotlight on how TRT impacts a patient’s everyday tasks. Through our creative approach, we made men heroes of their lives again, elevating the mundane into heroic feats. We engaged HCPs with images as dynamic as movie posters, glorifying the way the daily grind can actually be heroic when their patients feel like themselves again. And, with meaningful clinical data to back it up, we ensured the HCPs would be heroes, too.

Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Making mundane moments memorable. Framing the everyday as heroic. In short: Changing the conversation.

Kyzatrex Brochures


Within a quarter of launching a bold, attention-grabbing campaign that used print, collateral, digital and social channels, the client was able to rapidly grab attention — and secure results. Among them included:

  • Generating a rapid spike in prescriptions
  • Inking a number of high-profile clinical agreements
  • Establishing an important co-marketing relationship with a leading telehealth company


The more competitive a market or communications space becomes, the more crucial it is to find ways to elevate a brand above the noise and clutter. In this case, a breakthrough shift to a differentiated brand personality embraced bigger, bolder graphics, allowing Kyzatrex to do exactly that. It also effectively engaged patients and HCPs in a highly human-centric way, positioning the client for greater success and to secure a larger share of this growing market.

Kyzatrex ads

Healthcare Marketing Perspectives From The Field

To paraphrase an old advertising slogan, neither rain, nor sleet, nor wind, nor snow would keep the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS) Annual Congress down.

ASCRS just ended in Boston and despite the cold weather, the meeting itself was as dynamic as ever. Hahahaha was there in full-force to support the great relationships we’ve built and to make new connections.

As we walked the show floor, interacted with countless professionals and navigated the all-important ad hoc gatherings after hours, we did what we love to do. We observed, questioned, debated and thought about strategic direction and how it can help our clients succeed.

We wanted to share our top 10 takeaways from 2024 ASCRS for those of you in ophthalmology. (For our non-ophthalmology clients, we’ll suggest ways these observations may impact you):

Welcome to ASCRS

1. The anterior segment is getting crowded

From the cornea to the cataract, there continues to be an inspiring number of innovations in this space. That comes with a second edge: competition — especially in glaucoma — is more fierce than ever. 

If you’re not in eye care, are there areas in your market that are equally crowded? What is your vision for differentiation?

2. PCIOLs are seeking narrower slices of blue sky

Entering the IOL market as a challenger requires defining a thinner slice of uniqueness than ever before. That said, the adjustable lenses being launched are very distinct and it will be interesting to see what effect this has on the market going forward. 

3. Posterior segment energy

Where the anterior segment is approaching saturation, judging by the energy of innovation in Eyecelerator and other sidebar conversations, there seems to be a lot of momentum growing in the posterior segment. As the population ages and retinal procedures grow more prevalent, the industry is clearly positioned to deliver meaningful options.

You non-ophthalmology friends, where does your category present blue ocean possibilities? 

4. Corneal health concentration

It’s always been important for ophthalmology, but the attention paid to corneal health devices and products seemed greater in 2024. Osmolarity (looking at you trukera-medical), inflammation, dry eye and regenerative products are just scratching the surface (pardon the pun) of what Hahahaha saw. 

5. Meeting momentum

A purely anecdotal observation, but the exhibit space seemed less extensive than in years past. That being said, the overall energy at ASCRS was extremely healthy! With less outward activity emanating from the show floor this year we can only imagine what was being discussed behind the curtain and in the sidebar meetings. The anticipation of what’s coming has us ready for a wave of innovation and launches in 2025.

6. Inclusion emphasis

With the evolution in the industry’s gender balance continuing to shift (one booth even celebrated “the women of ophthalmology”) and ASOA’s vital diversity workshop, ASCRS is making worthy strides. The journey is still long but the trend is moving in the right direction. 

How is your industry evolving if you’re not in ophthalmology? Where can it improve?

7. Goodbye sea of blue

We’re an advertising agency. We have to speak to the design trends we saw. After all, the battle to stand out is won and lost, in part, with good design. We definitely saw the rise of purple. And, there are a lot more companies using gradients in their designs. 

8. Surprises in small places

It’s always fascinating to see what the big exhibitors do, but often there is a gravitational pull with the smaller spaces, too. 

We’re biased, but our friends at ViaLase made a savvy decision to place their booth across from the conference “Tap Room.” The innovation they showcased and the arresting booth design (humble brag) kept that space hopping all weekend long. 

Beyond a self-serving ViaLase plug, we also saw inspiration in any number of small spaces like Nordic Pharmaceuticals’ booth the ASCRS 50th anniversary celebration via a booth replicating a practice from 1974 (thanks in part to our friends at Alcon) and the fascinating startup technologies in AI-driven practice management tools.

Are you not an eye-care company but still a challenger brand? How do you use small spaces to make a big impression?

9. Access is no longer an afterthought

Reimbursement is more important than ever. And it showed in both overt and covert ways. The most successful products and product managers will consider strategies around access and the value story in conjunction with all other components of their business plans.

This is undoubtedly true beyond the ophthalmic space. Where is your industry finding success with this vital healthcare commercialization need?

10. Visualization sophistication

If this ASCRS is any indication, the profession is in for some meaningful transformation in the next few years. The adage that you can’t treat what you can’t see may need to be updated. You can see more than ever, now what should you treat?

The thread running through all of this — both the experience of the meeting as well as the takeaways — is that connecting as humans is what matters. The ophthalmic industry is a collection of amazing thinkers making a meaningful difference in patients’ lives. But it doesn’t happen if we don’t connect. At Hahahaha, we’re proudly not healthcare specialists, we’re human specialists. We know how to find an emotional resonance that connects people with people, and that’s what makes life better.

If you’d like to put that perspective to work for your brand, drop me a line!

The Nutcracker ballet is a timeless performance that has delighted audiences for more than a century. Over time, it has cemented its place as a beloved holiday tradition and one of the most popular ballets of all time. Each holiday season, Texas Ballet Theater (TBT) stages 35 performances between Dallas and Fort Worth, which sets the tone for ticket sales throughout the season. For some ballet companies, sales from The Nutcracker make up more than 85% of a company’s ticket revenue for the season. While its popularity makes it easy to sell performance tickets, The Nutcracker also creates a unique opportunity to attract a broader audience to experience the art of ballet. 

As the agency of record for the past six years, Haha Haha has helped TBT increase ticket sales year-over-year to make The Nutcracker a revenue powerhouse. Fresh off a record-setting year in 2022, TBT increased its goals for 2023. 

To meet the new goal, our team acted quickly to implement new optimizations that leveraged our current campaign assets, made strategic recommendations for TBT-owned channels, and proposed a few incremental options to get in front of new attendees. A peak-valley-peak approach to paid search led to higher revenue for lower costs, making paid search a key driver of conversion revenue. The coordinated email marketing campaign launched in late November ranked second in revenue generation. 

Texas Ballet Theater Nutcracker Assets


The Nutcracker campaign concluded its 2023 run with record-breaking revenue and ticket sales, surpassing each previous year’s revenue and 2023 goals for both Dallas and Fort Worth. Total revenue closed at 120% to goal, with online sales specifically growing revenue by over 30% from last year.

2023 Goals

Revenue: $2,639,534
Ticket Sales: 36,080

2023 Actuals

Revenue: $3,237,384
Tickets Purchased: 47,056 

Campaign ROI


Texas Ballet Theater Social Media Assets
Texas Ballet Theater Display Posters
Texas Ballet Theater Nutcracker Website
Texas Ballet Theater Nutcracker Website Full Size

Economic Development is the engine that drives growth in a region, and while many factors contribute to a strong economic development effort,  robust and strategic marketing can help a region catapult those initiatives and truly reach its potential. The benefits of a well-run economic development effort are deep and wide. Here are some of the top reasons we must ensure our efforts are supported with strong marketing.

Marketing for the city

To begin with, there is a region’s reputation to consider. Beyond the efforts to draw big and small businesses, entrepreneurs or corporations, and tourists, a deliberate effort to drive a positive overall reputation is key to rounding out a strong marketing effort.  

Supporting Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

Beyond the major businesses and investors and identified tourism, there is the need to bring in new thinking and create opportunities for entrepreneurs of all kinds. Creating a narrative that speaks to this audience is key to rounding out a strong marketing effort. 

Attracting key businesses and investors

To drive economic development for a region, it is imperative to target the type of companies and their investors who are seeking to either build or relocate their business into the region. There are many factors to consider when leveraging the data to support such an important decision and that is where a robust marketing effort and partner come together. Knowing who to reach is one thing, knowing what will drive an actionable decision is altogether separate. 

A great place to live

Promoting your city as THE place to live has residual benefits. A recent industry panel discussion highlighted that when a market or city promotes its community, varied living options, and attractions the business sector will benefit as well.

Tourism and recreation

It’s not all business, there is great value in engaging new visitors through attractions, tourism, and the arts for several reasons. Visitors to the city who take advantage of local attractions help to contribute to the economic development of an area through their tourism dollars. Promoting the key attractions or offerings of a city also showcases the type of community that a city has to offer and that can be a key contributing factor when deciding to relocate or start a business. 

Harnessing the power of the public and private sector.

A city or region that successfully creates public-private partnerships in support of economic development will thrive. The combination of efforts between these unique organizations can lead to additional funding to support marketing, and alignment on strategic growth areas will serve to create a more robust effort that can be mutually beneficial for both public entities as well as private sector businesses. 

Strategic marketing is critical

A city or region cannot cultivate economic development of any kind in the absence of strong, thoughtful, strategic marketing.  Haha Haha has deep experience in marketing economic development within both the public and private sectors. This experience is coupled with a unique ability to serve as a liaison with multiple organizations and stakeholders. We take a measured and customized approach at Haha Haha that has proven to be successful for both public and private sector efforts. 

Positioning and Persona

The key to marketing a region is to define what makes it different and unique through a thoughtful brand strategy. We begin by articulating the specific brand position of the agency and developing a unique persona through the archetyping process. 

  • Brand Story and Key Messaging: With a positioning and persona identified we then move to craft the narrative of the region in a way that will resonate with the variety of targets. From businesses to innovators to tourists, a well-crafted story based on a viable persona delivers an authentic message. This story is supported by key message pillars that when combined, create a strong communications platform for all marketing to leverage, 
  • Strategic Communications Plan: The plan is where the integration of key strategies and tactics is developed to provide a blueprint to promote the region to achieve specific objectives and reach defined targets. There are a few considerations to keep in mind as one prepares a communications plan for their region.
    • Sector Specific: When considering the business and investor targets, be sector-specific. Regardless of the industry: Healthcare, Technology, Education, Mobility, Defense, etc. there is a certain way the region should be postured. 
    • Individually Based: Consider the individuals you are trying to reach in each of the executions of your narrative. From investors to C-suite executives to influencers, your message will take on a nuanced perspective of your key message. 
    • Geographic Based: There are likely and unlikely geographically based targets to consider. Be sure you are aware of the reasons why your region will be enticing to your target and double down on that in your communications plan. 
  • Integrated Communications Channels: There are a variety of ways in which to go to market with your plan, however, in the end, it’s wise to consider all the basics at the very least.
    • Direct
    • Digital (your website is key to a strong marketing effort)
    • PR (paid and earned)
    • Social
    • Traditional
  • Creative Campaign and Asset Development: This is where the rubber hits the road. The deliberate and strategic rigor put into the strategy that drove us to this point should not be discounted. With confidence that our positioning and key messaging is appropriate for the targets we are seeking, the creative campaign and asset development phase of this effort can be entered into boldly. 
  • Track, Measure, Adjust, Optimize: Because we have built this approach based on a data-driven strategy, the opportunity to measure and evolve as we go and grow is one of the most beneficial rewards of a well-thought-through approach. A strong economic development marketing plan is not a “set it and forget it” approach, but rather an ongoing storyline that can be agile enough to respond to current events and changing perspectives. 

Over the years Hahahaha has had the opportunity and pleasure of being a partner to both public and private economic development efforts. We thought you might like to review a  few case studies of the work we’ve done for the City of Fort Worth and the Mobility Innovation Zone.

Featured Case Study

History begins in the future

Famous for its trailblazing history, Fort Worth still embraces its reputation as a “City of Opportunity.” Quickly becoming an epicenter of growth and innovation, Fort Worth offers an inviting community, talented workforce, and incredibly low cost of living, attracting people…
City of Fort Worth
Featured Case Study

Innovation from the ground up

Mobility and innovation districts are places where pioneers make critical advancements in logistics and supply chain modernization. It’s also a place where technology breakthroughs are developed that can affect billions of people. They are critical to advancing how consumer and…

Prepare a strong marketing effort to create economic development equity. 

In the end, while there is much to consider as you create your marketing plans around an economic development effort, keep in mind these three critical considerations and you’ll be off on the right foot. 

  1. Do your research: Including everything from which business sectors to explore to the individuals inside those sectors. 
  2. Know your competition: Competition for your chosen targets may not be what/who you think, dive deep on what other regions are offering and how they are approaching your audience. 
  3. Align on your priorities: Knowing what to leverage in your region and who to target with that equity is key to a focused effort.  

At Hahahaha, we understand the broad landscape of economic development and how best to approach a strong marketing effort regardless of its size or nature.  Please reach out if you’d like to discuss how we can help you with your economic development opportunities/challenges.

December 5, 2023

A Gift Above the Rest

Zoo Holiday 2022 Billboard

Driving Holiday Revenue for the Fort Worth Zoo

As the holiday season approached, Hahahaha faced the familiar challenge of driving revenue for the Fort Worth Zoo through membership and adoption gift purchases. In a marketplace brimming with options, our task was to set the Zoo apart and exceed year-over-year revenue goals for an offering that had remained consistent for a long time. Our strategy focused on positioning the Zoo’s offerings as unique and meaningful gifts, highlighting the value of membership while also reiterating the experiential aspect of these presents.

Fort Worth Zoo Holiday Social Graphics

Positioning for Audience Impact

Emphasizing memberships over adoptions in both messaging and media was key to maximizing revenue. The campaign aimed to convey that the Fort Worth Zoo offers versatile gifting options, from a tangible present for under the tree to a membership for year-long experiences.

We know that the target audience, composed of Zoo-goers and potential members, already enjoy visiting the Zoo with their families. However, they might not have initially considered Zoo memberships or adoptions as compelling gift choices. The campaign’s goal was to shift the audience’s perception, portraying Fort Worth Zoo memberships as a perfect holiday gift due to their numerous benefits, including unlimited admission, free parking, discounts and access to special events. Zoo adoption packages, featuring plush animals, certificates, coloring kits, and more, not only make for delightful presents but also support animal care and conservation efforts. These offerings were positioned as experiential gifts that fostered a lasting connection to the Zoo, encouraging family enjoyment throughout the year.

Fort Worth Zoo Holiday Emails

Showcasing a Unique Gift Experience

Creatively, we met the challenge of maintaining freshness for a campaign that recurs annually as well as distinguishing the campaign in a crowded holiday market. Unconventional elements took the spotlight, with a memorable neck-bending giraffe as the hero visual and playful copywriting like “A Gift Above the Rest” as the primary headline. The campaign also tapped into the universal appeal of baby animals by featuring the recent giraffe births through secondary imagery and messaging to visit the Zoo often while the babies are still small.

Additional supporting imagery featured the immersive membership experience and the physical adoption package complete with plush animals. This comprehensive visual approach provided a well-rounded perspective of the gift options.

Fort Worth Zoo Social


As a result of the strategy, creative concept, and media plan working in sync, the campaign was wildly successful. We succeeded in setting the Zoo apart in the bustling holiday market and surpassing revenue goals for both gift offerings. 

  • New and gifted memberships in 2022 were almost triple in quantity and revenue as compared to both goals and previous year sales.
  • Return on investment for the campaign as a whole was nearly 10:1.
  • Emails were the top-performing channel, driving a 69% increase in revenue over 2021, led predominately by a Black Friday sale.
  • Paid Media generated significant brand awareness, serving 9.6M impressions (37% YoY increase). Paid Social drove nearly 5.9M impressions (141% YoY increase).

In conclusion, Hahahaha’s ability to break through the saturated holiday market with a creative and strategically aligned media plan led to an exceptional year-over-year increase in revenue. The campaign not only met, but exceeded goals, emphasizing the power of unique creative and effective media planning in achieving outstanding results.

The 2021 ADDYs are in the books! It may have looked a bit different this year, but the entire Hahahaha team was so grateful to get together outside and celebrate a year of hard work under unique circumstances.

When the final votes were tallied, Hahahaha walked away with 19 awards out of our 22 entries, and we earned two Special Judges Awards! We’re proud to say that we won more awards than any other agency in Fort Worth and that each our of verticals brought home the hardware. Our team earned recognition in multiple mediums, including video, branding, illustration, print, social media, website, out of home and integrated campaigns. Of the awards, three of our wins were for Covid-related campaigns.

It’s been an interesting year, to say the least. Celebrating a year of hard work with our team was a breath of fresh air and a reminder of how fortunate we are to work together every single day and compete against such fantastic and talented friends and neighbors in the Fort Worth advertising community.

Congratulations to everyone that competed this year. We can’t wait to see you next year – hopefully in person – for the 2022 ADDYs.

2020 Zoo Membership Campaign

Gold ADDY Award and Special Judges’ Award: Most Popular | Client: Fort Worth Zoo

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Fort Worth Zoo needed a way to sell holiday adoptions and memberships. More than that, they needed a campaign that cut through the clutter of holiday advertisements to connect with consumers.

TCU Baseball Video – Day in. Day out.

Gold ADDY Award | Client: TCU Baseball
TCU Baseball Video

Telling the story of an elite collegiate baseball program is a large task – and it’s one we help TCU Baseball accomplish every year. But, like every task that our team tackles, it’s best to take it one small step at a time, day in, and day out.

Behind the Scenes Filming the TCU Gold Addy Award Video

UNTHSC – Day x Day Campaign

Gold ADDY Award | Client: UNTHSC

When COVID-19 first struck the United States, people weren’t sure what to think or how to appropriately respond. This left a void of reliable information, and The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth – a medical research center and university – saw an opportunity to step forward as a reliable source of scientific information that people could trust.

UNTHSC Covid DayxDay Social Posts

OMNI Go For Three Campaign Illustrations

Gold ADDY Award | Client: OMNI

When OMNI® launched their new 2.0 device, which has functional advantages over other similar products on the market, we had to communicate the benefits this new device had over its competition.

Omni Icongraphy

Near Southside Rebrand

Gold ADDY Award | Client: Near Southside
Near Southside Branding

Places are defined by people, and the Near Southside is among the most vibrant and diverse communities in Fort Worth. So, when they approached Hahahaha to help them rebrand their identity, we drew inspiration from the neighborhood they create and the people and ideas the Near Southside attracts.

Before and After Near Southside Logo

River & Blues Brand Campaign

Gold ADDY Award | Client: River & Blues Festival
River and Blues Campaign Branding

River & Blues Fest is a new kind of music festival, featuring a uniquely American lineup of longtime favorites and soulful up-and-comers in country and blues. Launching its inaugural year right here in the heart of Fort Worth, the River & Blues Festival needed a dynamic identity system to engage and attract music lovers and artists alike across a primarily digital landscape.

Posters for River and Blues Festival

Special Judges’ Award: Best of Print

Hahahaha Christmas Card

When COVID-19 first struck the United States, people weren’t sure what to think or how to appropriately respond. This left a void of reliable information, and The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth – a medical research center and university – saw an opportunity to step forward as a reliable source of scientific information that people could trust. Since the Health Science Center had recently unveiled its rebranding efforts, the timing was perfect to build awareness and positively impact the community.

Avoiding Fear and Promoting Optimism

The public is saturated with dire warnings and doomsday scenarios about COVID-19. While the health and safety intent is noble, many of the messages cause stress, anxiety, and fear, and the emotional effects of these campaigns can muddy the facts and leave the community confused about the realities of COVID-19. The situation required someone to step up, take the lead and empower the people of North Texas with reliable messages and accurate information about COVID-19. Instead of creating something that leads to confusion and fear, why not urge optimism through clear information and encourage preparation?

Producing Against a Deadline and Beneath Quarantine

The seriousness of the coronavirus required truly timely messaging. With that urgency in place, our team had to be nimble and responsive and put together a comprehensive campaign that would inspire community-wide participation in safer lifestyle changes. To complicate matters further, we earned this new business opportunity while our entire team was in the first stages of working remotely and adjusting to the new normal of professional life under quarantine. These circumstances challenged us to strategize quickly, and the nature of creating accurate messages about COVID-19 implored us to execute with extreme accuracy.


  • Change attitudes about living during a pandemic from fear to resilience.
  • Educate and empower cautious optimism and offer practical and informative guidance and resources.
  • Leverage the credibility of HSC as the messenger and aggregator of content.
  • Expand HSC’s influence on North Texas by positioning them as dependable sources of reliable information about COVID, and healthcare at large.
  • Improve HSC’s brand awareness and impact in North Texas.

The Solution

COVID-19 is a serious disease that requires people’s earnest respect. Unfortunately, that has created an atmosphere of negativity, and disempowerment that makes people feel like they’re being told what they can and cannot do every single day. People are worried about their jobs, concerned for their family and friends, and lack a clear direction and information about where the situation is heading.

The pervasiveness of negativity and the ultimate feeling of powerlessness led to the creation of the COVID DAYxDAY campaign, which empowers people to be optimistic and pragmatic during these uncertain times. When we created this campaign, we wanted to change the public’s general attitude from fear to resilience. We understand that people feel down, powerless, and pessimistic about the future, so our challenge is to help our community get through this one day at a time – and that’s where DAYxDAY was born. Our ultimate goal is to meet our audience where they are emotionally, and encourage a positive attitude shift with hope, optimism, and science-based guidance that can protect the individual – and our community – from the coronavirus. We needed to do all of this while under a brief, three-month campaign period. 

A Comprehensive Educational Campaign Tailored for North Texas

We built the DAYxDAY campaign with the guidance and partnership of the Health Science Center team. DAYxDAY provides north Texans with reliable information about how to safely navigate the world during the pandemic and offers important community updates to the people of North Texas. In fact, education is at the heart of the DAYxDAY campaign, and one of the core objectives is to encourage healthy lifestyle changes to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. To centralize this information, we created coviddayxday.com – a microsite under the Health Science Center umbrella purely focused on sharing COVID-19 content.

We formed strategic partnerships with Texas news leaders like The Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and local organizational partnerships with the City of Fort Worth, Visit Fort Worth, the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, United Way of Tarrant County and Camp Fire First Texas to tap into relevant supporting content and leverage our partners’ audience for improved campaign exposure. To ensure that we shared a wide breadth of valuable information, we carefully selected the type of content we shared from each partner so that we could create a comprehensive informational hub tailored to the needs of North Texans.

Our campaign content matrix uses a blend of organic content, partnership content, paid and organic social media, and earned media to make certain that our message reached the widest local audience possible. Furthermore, the microsite exists in English and Spanish to better communicate with a third of North Texas, which is Spanish speaking.

Tactical Activation:

  • Developed a fully integrated digital campaign to build awareness and drive traffic to the Health Science Center’s COVID-19 resource page.
  • Built a new microsite to consolidate and share relevant COVID-19 content.
  • Encouraged opt-ins and built an integrated CRM and text audience.
  • Developed new content and repurposed existing content through the new microsite.
  • Continued awareness-building and built opt-ins through multiple digital platforms.
  • Expanded geographic targeting to cultivate a larger audience for UNTHSC and make a larger impact on the community.

Results: In just 3 months, the DAYxDAY campaign generated:

  • Nearly 10 million media impressions served
  • Over 1 million people reached through social channels
  • Over 100,000 pageviews on the COVID DAYxDAY website
  • Over 70,000 unique website visitors
  • Email, display advertising and paid social media performance each greatly exceeded industry benchmarks

An Ongoing Battle

The coronavirus pandemic is far from over, and we’re still working to encourage people to take the necessary preventative measures to protect themselves and our community. It’s an honor to be part of a creative campaign that educates and empowers our North Texas home, and we feel fortunate to play a role in helping to keep our community safe and healthy. As a result of our shared success, we’ve expanded the initial campaign agreement into a broader, long-term initiative for the UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth.

Most prescription savings cards cover a narrow scope of treatments, which overcomplicates the savings process. As a result, patients are often left confused about how to redeem savings and may end up actually paying more for their prescriptions. Discounts change frequently and branded products are not always covered, leading to patients and providers losing confidence in the cards and programs themselves.

Galderma CareConnect is a patient savings program that consolidates Galderma’s prescriptions into one savings portal that’s accessible for patients and “Remarkably Simple” to use.


  • Build awareness of the savings program among qualified patients.
  • Make the program easier to access for patients.
  • Inform more potential patients about their eligibility for the program.

Strategy & Execution

Hahahaha led the Galderma CareConnect launch with a few key strategic imperatives: communicate the scope of Galderma prescriptions covered under the program and quickly build awareness of the program among patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacists. We developed a comprehensive, multi-channel campaign around the tagline “Remarkably Simple.” This included traditional advertising, digital ads, video, paid digital media, display targeting, customized email marketing as well as personal and non-personal sales support.

Connecting Patients with Care

At the core of this comprehensive campaign was GaldermaCC.com, a centralized location for information about the savings program. The site was strategically developed to communicate key information to each of our core audiences:

  • Patients – Information about savings, ease of use and a great opportunity to quickly download a GCC card.
  • Healthcare Professionals – Key points to share with their patients when prescribing Galderma products, information about pharmacy access and a portfolio of products on the card.
  • Pharmacists – Information about patient eligibility.

The website follows a clean design and user-friendly navigation to make the user experience just as “Remarkably Simple” as the Galderma CareConnect program itself. In addition, the website utilizes a seamless API to connect directly with the card provider, so that a unique card can be generated in just seconds when the user chooses to download.

By making this direct connection, we are able to utilize technology and data to measure card redemption rates at pharmacies across the country and measure the success of marketing campaigns in market.


  • In less than two years, Galderma Care Connect site metrics have steadily climbed month after month.
  • To date, Galderma Care Connect has reached more than one million unique patients.
  • As of June 2019, more than 3 million prescriptions have been processed through the Galderma Care Connect portal, saving patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacists valuable time and money.
  • MM&M Gold Award for Best Payer Marketing.

Make Life Better

Navigating healthcare can be a confusing process for patients and even some healthcare providers. By creating the Galderma CareConnect website, we were able to help more people download a patients’ savings card and connect them with more affordable care.

When the Texas Ballet Theater needed a way to reinvigorate their marketing, we created a comprehensive marketing campaign that expanded their ticket sales from a steady group of subscribers into a larger group of new season ticket holders.

The Problem

Season subscriptions to Texas Ballet Theater, while strong, had stagnated. Subscribers were offered the same options year after year, purchase the entire season or purchase single tickets at a later date. Within performing arts, the prospective ticket buyer ranges from the devoted fan to the person that wouldn’t even consider attending. Marketing resources are precious, and we have to ensure they are being invested where they will yield the highest ROI.

The Solution

Using data to drive decisions, Hahahaha proposed restructuring subscriber packages to give existing patrons more choice and convince new people to become subscribers and single ticket purchasers. Beyond subscriptions, the campaign was designed to have a positive impact on single ticket purchases. Single ticket sales launched in the middle of the campaign on July 1st, and within the first day, more than 3,500 individual tickets were sold.

The Approach

One of the largest components of our overall campaign was audience segmentation. To accomplish this, we appended audience data from TRG Arts – the Ballet’s consultant.

We divided the Ballet’s existing consumers into four distinct groups of:

1 – previous year subscribers
2 – lapsed subscribers
3 – multi-performance buyers
4 – single ticket buyers


By building package options, we were able to convince larger subsets of people to subscribe to Texas Ballet Theater.

We added historic subscribers and single ticket purchaser data to create persona profiles based on audience demographics and psychographics. We then built lookalike audiences based on the four groups and mapped each of the groups’ behaviors to identify purchasing trends across multiple digital channels. This gave us the insight needed to better understand their consumption habits and likelihood to purchase either a full or partial season or if they were likely to be a single-ticket purchaser.

Once we isolated recurring trends in the audience segments, we hyper-targeted the right ticket package to each group through paid digital media. Further, website retargeting enabled us to identify those that had expressed interest but not yet purchased and then retarget them with the TBT message most likely to yield a purchase.


  • Clearly brand the full 2019-2020 ballet season, while also promoting individual performances on their own merits.
  • Earn more new, full-season subscribers.
  • Define the main buyer personas and outline their purchase-decision journeys to understand their motivations for purchasing a full-season subscription and a single-performance ticket.
  • Outline a way to recapture people that did not renew their full-season subscriptions from the previous year.


  • Paid media campaign delivered 1.8 million targeted impressions, and generated more than $40,000 in ticketed revenue in just a few weeks.
  • After only 2 weeks of a dedicated full-season campaign, subscription sales up by nearly 3% YOY.
  • New subscribers up by 45% YOY.
  • Exceeded last year’s launch-day single ticket sales by more than 10%.
  • Total ticket sales up 18.43% YOY, despite a later season launch than 2018.
  • During the campaign, overall website sales totaled $199,000.

Recently, the Hahahaha team attended Fort Worth’s 2020 American Advertising Awards (ADDYs), which celebrates excellence in advertising. This year, Hahahaha received 20 total awards – ten of which were gold awards, including Best of Show – Print for the Texas Ballet Theater’s 2019/20 Season Posters. We are truly humbled by the recognition and reminded of how fortunate we are to work for incredible clients that collaborate with us to create impactful campaigns.
Receiving recognition for our work is a celebration of our team and our clients, who diligently work together to produce campaigns that rise to the top of a crowded, competitive market. We’re grateful to work in an industry that encourages innovative ideas and incredibly proud of the entire Hahahaha team, who come to work every single day committed to our mission to Make Life Better.

Best of Print:

  • Texas Ballet Theater 2019/20 Season Poster Campaign
    Judge’s Award – Best of Print

Gold Awards:

  • Texas Ballet Theater 2019/20 Season Brochure
    Sales and Marketing – Collateral Material – Brochure – Single Unit:
  • Fort Worth Zoo Ball Untamed Invitation
    Sales and Marketing – Collateral Material – Special Event Marketing – Card, Invitation, Announcement – Single Unit
  • Texas Park & Wildlife Foundation’s Texas Road Trip Invitation
    Sales and Marketing – Collateral Material – Special Event Marketing – Card, Invitation, Announcement – Single Unit
  • Hahahaha Christmas Cards
    Direct Marketing – Advertising Self Promotion – Collateral – Branded Elements
  • Texas Ballet Theater Sleeping Beauty Poster
    Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster – Single Unit
  • Texas Park’s & Wildlife Foundation’s Texas Road Trip Poster Series
    Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster – Campaign
  • Texas Ballet Theater 2019/20 Season Poster Campaign A
    Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster – Campaign
  • Texas Ballet Theater 2019/20 Season Poster Campaign A
    Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster – Campaign
  • Texas Park’s & Wildlife Foundation’s Texas Road Trip Illustrations
    Elements of Advertising – Visual – Illustration Series
  • Texas Ballet Theater 2019/20 Season Illustrations
    Elements of Advertising – Visual – Illustration Series

Additionally, the Hahahaha team was humbled to win 11 silver and bronze awards for clients across several industry verticals, including Hillwood Communities, Kimbell Art Museum, River and Blues Festival and TTI.

Special Shout Out

One of our team members, Julia Cooper, won a gold ADDY for her independent work with the Japanese Akita Club of America. She won a Direct Marketing Award – Specialty Advertising – Apparel for creating a Komainu Bomber Jacket for J.A.C.A. We couldn’t be happier for Julia, and we are incredibly proud of her initiative and excellent work.