Jake Yarbrough

Jake Yarbrough

Title: Group Director – Healthcare
Nicknames: Jakeybro, Flipper, Mr. Fun
Senior quote: “Super-fantastic!”

After more than 20 years in the marketing communications business, Jake still carries unbridled enthusiasm for the craft of brand building. He is often heard rallying the troops saying, “They LOVE us!” And the team knows it’s a factual statement that can be attributed to Jake’s adept ability to balance insightful strategy with laser-focused tactics.

Prior to joining Hahahaha, Jake served various executive leadership roles in strategic planning and account services for some of the top agencies in Texas. Jake knows how to get customers to love his clients’ brands. He’s passionate about great ideas and is a tireless advocate for generating measurable results. So, in many ways, you could say that he’s a lover and a fighter.

Simply put, this cat’s covered a lot of ground. Speaking of covering ground, his outside-of-work affection for playing soccer is only exceeded by his devotion to his two daughters and their ballet and musical dreams – someday he’ll tell you about his pas de deux in a donkey mask.

Fun facts:

  • He has completed Level 4 improv training, but he’s not that funny.
  • Met his wife of 21 years (and counting) on a blind date.
  • He’s taught at TCU as an adjunct professor.
  • Grew up in The Land of Enchantment.