Amber Arnold

Amber Arnold

Title: Senior Copywriter
Nickname: Ambien, Amberkins, Ambee, Hambergesa
Senior Quote: “So far, so bueno.”

Before coming to Hahahaha, Amber was aiming for a career as a pharmacist, and has a background in biology. She fell into writing after creating a successful series of short stories on social media. Amber started her career as a social media manager at an independent public relations house called Bark PR in San Antonio. Not long after, she moved into her first copywriting role at Heavy Heavy, where she wrote things for universities, start-ups, non-profits, and food and beverage brands with a lot of local flavor.

When it comes to writing, Amber loves to break the rules. To her, language is fluid, it evolves with culture and changes with time. As long as you’re able to connect people to an idea or to each other, its okay to sacrifice grammar here and there. Don’t worry, we’ll hide that last part from her AP English teacher.

When she’s not working (and even when she is) Amber enjoys listening to music—live music, streaming music, music on vinyl. From Chopin to Childish Gambino, what she appreciates most about music is the exploration and discovery. Amber enjoys immersing herself in travel—soaking in the newness of an unfamiliar place and fully diving into the culture, food and people of a destination. She loves reading and wants to write a children’s book, possibly even a series one day. She also loves plants and anything outdoors, especially hiking and skiing. Amber is all about all the outdoorsy things.

Fun facts:

  • Her initials are Triple-A (AAA)
  • It’s really hard for her to see a dog and not touch it
  • Amber once rode on the actual Shamu at Sea World, San Antonio
  • If there’s an opportunity to volunteer for something via raising her hand in a crowd, Amber almost always gets picked
  • She’s created jingles for every one of her dogs
  • She owns – and regularly wears – a cowboy hat. More specifically, a Stetson