January 30, 2023

Mint to be

Meet Van Nguyen

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh city, South Vietnam. I moved to the USA when I was 18 and started school at SMU. My dog’s name is Junior and he is 5 years old.

What’s something you love to do?

Garden, watch movies, travel and draw.

What’s your favorite place?

Ho Chi Minh City.

What do you love about the job?

I love organizing numbers and connecting with people from different teams at Hahahaha. This is a new role at Hahahaha, so I have countless opportunities to learn new things. I get excited about learning something new every day.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

I don’t really watch TV, but I love watching cooking videos on YouTube to learn new tricks.

What’s your favorite book?

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

If you could live in any sitcom, which would it be?

The Devil’s Wear Prada because I love how the main character is willing to challenge herself to meet a new opportunity in her life. 

Are you a listener or a talker?


If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Banh Can Cua (Vietnamese Crab Thick Noodle Soup). 

If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?

I would design a good organized system to keep track of paperwork and paper records. 

What’s the scariest thing you’ve done for fun?

Back in 2019, I had a trip with my friend to an island in Vietnam. Everybody went diving to watch coral and sea creatures, so I took a risk and dove with them (with the help from a tour guide). It was scary but it worth it!

What’s your favorite children’s story?

The Little Mermaid.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?

Take my dog, Junior, to the dog park and go to Central Market. 

Any words of advice?

Work hard and believe in yourself. 

Why Hahahaha?

My first impression was great. Everybody who I have met at Hahahaha was very nice and friendly. It sets the tone for my belief that I can contribute to the team and learn from great coworkers while I’m here. 

For more about Van, check out her bio.