November 8, 2021

Houseplants and wanderlust

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

My name is Stephanie Beneze. I was born and raised in Bullhead City, Arizona and went to the University of Arizona in Tucson. I got rerouted back home after college and then lived in Huntington Beach for 6 years before moving to Phoenix in 2020.

I fell into the advertising world after starting as an office manager and eventually worked my way up to becoming an account supervisor. Currently, I live in Scottsdale with my boyfriend and far too many houseplants! When we aren’t traveling, we are enjoying local restaurants or a nice bottle of wine while cooking at home.

What’s something you love to do?

Travel or be on the water. My favorite place to visit is Lake Mohave in Arizona. It’s in my hometown, and I grew up going there almost every weekend as a kid. Whenever I go back to see my parents, we will take the boat out and cruise around. It’s peaceful, beautiful and full of memories of fishing, camping, rock hunting and tubing.

What’s your favorite place?

On the boat or in a float! Lake, ocean, river… any body of water, really. When out on the water, I spend most of my time relaxing, but I love hiking to find the best views of the water and landscapes. I also enjoy fishing every now and then (mostly deep-sea fishing).

What do you love about the job?

I love helping brands find their voice, whether it’s through websites, social media ads or good ole fashioned print materials. We connect consumers/patients to brands that can, in many cases, help improve their quality of life.

What is the last thing you binge-watched?


What’s your favorite book?

The Psychology of Money or The Defining Decade.

If you could live in any sitcom, which would it be?

Friends. Who wouldn’t want to live in Monica’s apartment?!

Are you a listener or a talker?

Little bit of both.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?

I’d love to live on a ranch and have a fruit stand or a little roadside market. Maybe run a bed & breakfast on it too!

What’s the scariest thing you’ve done for fun?

Jumped off a cliff in Bali. I would not recommend it. I was with some friends at a bar that was literally on a cliff. There was a plank-like walkout that you could jump off of, but once you jumped, there was no way to get back up. So, you had to swim to shore. Between the swells and the rip tide, it was the scariest swim back to dry land. I wouldn’t do that jump again, but I did do a small one in Hawaii this summer. I made sure to evaluate the risks a bit more before jumping.

What’s your favorite children’s story?

Stephanie’s Ponytail. It’s a good one, and I’m not just saying that because it has my name in the title!

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?

Cooking. I love making homemade pasta, but it takes some time. If you ask my boyfriend, his favorite is pasta with a sage brown butter sauce topped with panko crusted white sea bass. If you ask me, I love a good carbonara or spaghetti with meat sauce and a little too much garlic.

Any words of advice?

You’re going to make mistakes. It’s how you recover from those mistakes that defines you.

Why Hahahaha?

The intention behind the interview process and the people!