June 25, 2021

Charcuterie boards > tacos

Let’s start by getting to know you a little better. Tell us about yourself.

I grew up in Weatherford, Texas, and in high school I was a cheerleader and theatre kid. I majored in Advertising with the intention of becoming a copywriter, because I grew up writing creatively. After doing three different internships at ad and PR agencies, I became more interested in the digital space. I think this is also where I mention that I am an unabashed fan and die-hard defender of Taylor Swift. She probably won’t read this, but it’s important that I put it out there just in case.

What’s something you love to do?

I’m a pretty avid thrift shopper. I’ll spend hours perusing estate sales, Goodwill, and/or antique malls hunting for a good find. I’m socially extroverted, but I cherish my alone time and I’ll often take solo drives and listen to a playlist or album in its entirety. I’m a huge pop culture fan and I love to read websites that cover film, TV, music and comedy. Lots of my friends are artists or musicians, so I spend a lot of time on the patios of local venues or dive bars watching their shows.

What’s your favorite place?

The back deck of my parents’ house where I grew up. It’s where my family congregates when we get together. It will always feel like home.    

What do you love about the job?

Coordinating our media campaigns allows me the opportunity to learn and observe the strategy side of digital. I’m a person who likes to be kept on my toes, so I enjoy how new changes or innovations in tech can either help or hinder your marketing efforts. Watching our digital team as they adapt, re-strategize and optimize – it’s a thrill.

If you could do anything besides what you are doing now, what would you do professionally?

I got my start in PR, and I still have a lot of love for the industry, so probably something in that realm. A more fun answer would be talk show host, but I don’t think Fallon is retiring anytime soon.   

What is the last thing you binge-watched?

Mare of Easttown on HBO. There is truly nothing I love more than a ‘whodunnit’ murder-mystery series. Grizzled detective has to solve a gruesome crime committed in a small town, and everyone is a suspect? Sign me up.

What’s your favorite book?

A memoir written by one of my all-time favorite comedians, Rob Delaney, titled: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage. It’sa collection of his real-life stories and heavy subject matter, layered with beautifully insane jokes. It’s hilariously profane and heart wrenching.

If you could live in any sitcom, which would it be?

New Girl. Hands down. I would die happy if I had the chance to live in that loft with Winston and the gang. 

Are you a listener or a talker?

It depends on the scenario, but I think I’m a pretty good listener. I make a conscious effort to be an engaged listener and I love hearing people tell stories.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Charcuterie board. Cheese, meats, veggies, fruit, bread – what more could you need? I think this is the only right answer to this question.

If there weren’t any more computers, what would be your new occupation?

I imagine that our society (myself included) would absolutely crumble without Google, so I’d probably start selling encyclopedias door-to-door. Supply and demand, baby.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve done for fun?

In 2015, I was undecided on what to do with my life, so I bought a one-way ticket to NYC to move to a cabin in Northern PA for four months and work as a camp counselor. I had no idea what to expect and I’d never been that far from home for an extended period of time. It ended up being the most incredible experience and I came back with a clear direction for my future and several life-long friendships.

What’s your favorite children’s story?

I loved Carl the Dog, because each book was wordless so my parents would have to improvise with new and hilarious dialogue each time they would read to me. Also, the premise of a rottweiler taking care of a little girl is so pure and wholesome.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you spend it doing?

Power napping.

Any words of advice?

I picked up this mantra in 2020: “Tend to the part of the garden you can touch.”

It’s what I tell myself when I start to feel overwhelmed or stressed. It’s basically a more aesthetic way of saying “one thing at a time.”

Why Hahahaha?

In my experience, it’s very common for advertising agencies to position themselves as a “cool” or “trendy” place to work, but they fall short when it comes to actually providing employees with the support they need to succeed, both personally and professionally. Hahahaha is different. They truly hold up to their reputation for having an amazing company culture and a profoundly talented team. I feel like I’m in such good hands with the leadership team here — their commitment to fostering growth and professional development for their employees is unparalleled.