Haha Haha Co.


Most prescription savings cards cover a narrow scope of treatments, which overcomplicates the savings process. As a result, patients are often left confused about how to redeem savings and may end up actually paying more for their prescriptions. Discounts change frequently and branded products are not always covered, leading to patients and providers losing confidence in the cards and programs themselves.

Galderma CareConnect is a patient savings program that consolidates Galderma’s prescriptions into one savings portal that’s accessible for patients and “Remarkably Simple” to use.


  • Build awareness of the savings program among qualified patients.
  • Make the program easier to access for patients.
  • Inform more potential patients about their eligibility for the program.

Strategy & Execution

Hahahaha led the Galderma CareConnect launch with a few key strategic imperatives: communicate the scope of Galderma prescriptions covered under the program and quickly build awareness of the program among patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacists. We developed a comprehensive, multi-channel campaign around the tagline “Remarkably Simple.” This included traditional advertising, digital ads, video, paid digital media, display targeting, customized email marketing as well as personal and non-personal sales support.

Connecting Patients with Care

At the core of this comprehensive campaign was GaldermaCC.com, a centralized location for information about the savings program. The site was strategically developed to communicate key information to each of our core audiences:

  • Patients – Information about savings, ease of use and a great opportunity to quickly download a GCC card.
  • Healthcare Professionals – Key points to share with their patients when prescribing Galderma products, information about pharmacy access and a portfolio of products on the card.
  • Pharmacists – Information about patient eligibility.

The website follows a clean design and user-friendly navigation to make the user experience just as “Remarkably Simple” as the Galderma CareConnect program itself. In addition, the website utilizes a seamless API to connect directly with the card provider, so that a unique card can be generated in just seconds when the user chooses to download.

By making this direct connection, we are able to utilize technology and data to measure card redemption rates at pharmacies across the country and measure the success of marketing campaigns in market.


  • In less than two years, Galderma Care Connect site metrics have steadily climbed month after month.
  • To date, Galderma Care Connect has reached more than one million unique patients.
  • As of June 2019, more than 3 million prescriptions have been processed through the Galderma Care Connect portal, saving patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacists valuable time and money.
  • MM&M Gold Award for Best Payer Marketing.

Make Life Better

Navigating healthcare can be a confusing process for patients and even some healthcare providers. By creating the Galderma CareConnect website, we were able to help more people download a patients’ savings card and connect them with more affordable care.

Earning highly qualified leads is critical to the success of a conversion-based digital campaign, and Haha Haha employs a blend of intelligent thinking and data tools to develop strategic campaigns that yield highly qualified leads that meet our client’s business objectives.

The Approach

Pomona – by Hillwood Communities – is a master-planned community in Manvel, TX, located just south of Houston. To meet their sales goals, Pomona depends on driving awareness and conversion in order to build foot traffic to their community, and ultimately close home sales. In 2019, Haha Haha leveraged very specific and unique tactics to create a full-funnel digital marketing strategy for the community.

To begin the marketing planning process, the Hahahaha team carefully scrutinized data related to Pomona’s key target audiences by evaluating the current homebuyer segment against prospective homebuyers. This information provided us “look-a-like” profiles that we applied to our targeting criteria, enabling us to get very specific demographics, psychographics and geographical insights. As a result of this granular audience definition, we were able to identify that many of Pomona’s homebuyers were employed at the Texas Medical Center, located just 15 miles from the community.

With this knowledge, the Hahahaha team developed a very targeted GeoFencing campaign as a tactic within the integrated digital strategy.

The Goals

  • Move high-value prospects through the lead funnel by:
    • Building brand awareness for Pomona among a very specific subset of the medical community within the Texas Medical Center
    • Capturing a strategic audience group to retarget with outbound marketing efforts
    • Driving qualified leads from the medical community to model homes within Pomona
    • Closing home sales in Pomona

The Strategy – Hyper-Targeted Geofencing

GeoFencing is a targeted digital strategy that specifically serves display ad units to users who have entered a digitally fenced area. In order to structure a GeoFencing campaign, a virtual fence is mobilized around the targeted area to capture prospects and then deploy ads. A corresponding conversion zone is also established, allowing advertisers to track prospects from the GeoFence to the conversion zone. At Hahahaha, we utilize variations of GeoFencing strategies across verticals to satisfy numerous goals such as driving event ticket sales or, in this case, selling homes.

Pomona Map

For Pomona, our team devised a GeoFencing strategy focused on capturing highly qualified prospects at the Texas Medical Center. We identified five key parking garages used by medical professionals that mirrored a large portion of the current residents of Pomona. Additionally, we eliminated patient traffic in order to maximize the media spend on the most qualified prospects. After outlining our geographic target area, we developed specific ad creative to target those audiences, with messaging focused on proximity between home and work – “Pomona, just minutes from the Texas Medical Center.”

The Ads

Pomona GeoFencing Ads

The Results

  • First GeoFencing campaign delivered 245,000 impressions and 18 conversions of highly qualified leads.
  • Second GeoFencing campaign delivered 335,000 impressions and 40 conversions of highly qualified leads.
  • The entire campaign delivered 580,000 impressions and a total of 58 conversions.

Making Life Better

A community is made up of far more than just buildings and geography. It’s about the people that say hello to each other every day, the experiences they share and the memories they make as neighbors. All of this turns a collection of buildings into a living, breathing community. We are proud to partner with Hillwood Communities, and help shape the fabric of their neighborhoods by delivering their message to the right audiences, and filling their communities with vibrant people.

The Situation

Apps are everywhere and ever-reaching into the little nooks of our lives to improve some aspect of our experience. Want to plan your meals by the cycles of the moon? There’s an app for that. Want to order delivery Thai food without having to speak with someone or exchange cold hard cash? There’s an app for that. Want to have a group light-saber battle with your friends and family and divide the group among Jedi and Sith? You get the idea: from fun to food delivery, apps are diverse and serve a variety of functions. But, there’s a decided lack of apps on the market that support someone in their struggle against acne – until now.

Epiduo® Forte Gel Helps Teens and Their Dermatologists Manage Acne Treatment

Epiduo® Forte Gel (adapalene and benzoyl peroxide), 0.3%/2.5% is a once-a-day prescription topical acne medication with two active ingredients—adapalene and benzoyl peroxide. The powerful combination works together to treat tough acne and help prevent recurring acne from forming by unclogging pores and killing bacteria. Epiduo® Forte Gel had an existing app on the market called “epi-tracker,” but they were in need of a new set of eyes and a complete application refresh that really engaged users and retained their attention to the app. They wanted something that was user-friendly, and an app that partnered with healthcare providers to bring about better products and services.

When acne patients visit their healthcare providers, there is rarely enough time for the patients to become educated on their acne, or how best to treat it. In addition, it is crucial for acne patients to use products as directed to see a change in their condition. So, our app needed to continue to educate patients about their acne and encourage them to maintain their Epiduo Forte treatment plan to best manage their skincare.


  • Drive new myForte app downloads.
  • Drive consistent user engagement.
  • Educate acne patients about best practices for their skin care.
  • Encourage people to use the app daily to achieve desired results.
  • Make myForte a valuable, reliable resource for acne patients that use Epiduo® Forte Gel.


Going into the project, we knew that the patients using the myForte app were in a vulnerable state. Living with acne is a very personal battle that can have a powerful, negative impact on those suffering from it. So, we wanted to build an app that supported patients in their pursuit to treat their acne and gave them confidence to take control of their acne.

The Creative

Before kicking off the app, we needed a name. To quote Shakespeare (sorry), “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” While we agree with big Bill, naming a healthcare app can be tricky, mostly because healthcare nomenclature can sometimes be incredibly sterilized and devoid of emotion, but treating acne is not an emotionless battle. We wanted a name that reflected the user’s personal stake in their health and one that empowered them to treat their acne. We ultimately chose “myForte,” which gives the user ownership of their acne and its treatment. It also plays on the word “forte,” which denotes a person’s strength or positive abilities. When added together, “myForte” gives the user confidence that they can treat their acne, and that they’re going to do a great job in the process.


One of the biggest hurdles for those battling acne is staying consistent in their treatment, and regularly applying their medication. So, we built an app that gave patients the resources and reminders they need to stay on track to achieve the best results. We developed daily motivational messages that send users motivational messages to keep them engaged with their acne treatment.

All of the positive reminders and tips are paired with illustrations that take place in natural settings for the teen or young adult patient. The illustrations are inclusive of everyone facing acne. It was important to us that we didn’t bombard users with real acne imagery, which can be discouraging to see all the time.

Additionally, we felt that it was important to give users the ability to track their progress, which helps them see their improvement and gives their dermatologist the ability to observe their journey during follow up visits. We built in a calendar function that helps users track when they applied Epiduo® Forte Gel, but also asks them to record how they feel about their skin each time they interact with app. This way, we’re encouraging users to stay engaged with the app and to take time to reflect on their progress.

The split view function of myForte allows users – and their healthcare providers – the ability to measure the patient’s progress against any picture they’ve taken in the app. This small function is incredibly powerful for helping people track their progress and gives their dermatologist a larger view of their total improvement.

The Results

  • Over 87,000 downloads
  • Over 250% increase in app downloads each month
  • 40% User return rate
  • Over 15,000 progress photos captured
  • Over 16,000 feelings recorded
  • Over 100,000 profile attributes collected

Making Life Better

It’s easy for patients dealing with acne to feel downtrodden and made helpless by their skin condition. Often, these people have struggled with acne for years and feel like they’re out of options. When we created this app, we wanted to help patients suffering from acne take ownership and control of their acne treatment. With the myForte app, patients have the education and encouragement they need to confidently tackle their acne with a smile.

October 22, 2019

Succeeding in simplicity

When Sight Sciences approached Hahahaha to help launch their new OMNI® Surgical System , we set our eyes on the prize and got to work.

The OMNI Surgical System Breakthrough

The OMNI Surgical System by Sight Sciences is a ground-breaking solution for ophthalmologists that allows them to perform two different procedures on patients who need intervention in the conventional outflow pathway. It also allows surgeons to treat patients who had prior cataract surgery where they couldn’t before. That’s a long way to say, OMNI does something no other device on the market can. Clearly, we were looking forward to the challenge of launching the new OMNI Surgical System.

The Campaign

Devising core brand messaging takes hours of research, strategy, discussion, and countless iterations to finalize a succinct message that cuts through the noise of a competitive space. Ultimately, we selected the core brand message of “Intelligent design meets the proven pathway,” which is a powerful message to ophthalmologists. It speaks to OMNI’s ability to impact 360-degrees of the conventional outflow pathway with one device, which was impossible in prior devices, making the procedure much more convenient.

New Identity

Since OMNI is the next generation of two previous devices, it required a new identity and logo that represented the innovation and elegance of the new and improved OMNI Surgical System.

We created a mark that conveys the functionality of the device and nods to the shape of the eye. The single circle represents the unity of the OMNI device, while the two circles contained within point to the two procedures it empowers surgeons to perform. When added together, the three complete circles illustrate the three points of resistance in the conventional outflow pathway which can be navigated by the new OMNI device.

The Results

Launching a new ophthalmic product is no easy feat, and the Sight Sciences team was looking to make a splash in an extremely competitive landscape. The new OMNI device launched in September of 2018, and because of its quality and utility, quickly gained traction from surgeons.

OMNI released their new device with incredibly lofty sales goals for the first quarter of 2019. We’re proud to have helped them meet their goals sooner than expected, and place the new OMNI device among the top tier of surgical devices for ophthalmologists in record time. Now, the industry is taking notice and key industry thought leaders are singing the praises of the OMNI device, which only solidifies its place as one of the leaders in the market.

Making Life Better

Haha Haha is always searching for ways to use our work to make life better, and it’s clear that the new OMNI surgical system can have a large, positive effect on many people.

Before OMNI, ophthalmologists would have to use multiple devices to achieve the same end goal. OMNI provides an elegant solution for ophthalmologists and its dual-purpose design makes it an excellent option for treating a wider range of patients. OMNI gives surgeons a powerful way to help people address a sight-threatening condition.


When the Fort Worth Zoo enlisted Haha Haha to help drive people to their new African Savanna exhibit, we couldn’t wait to take the bull by the horns and get to work. Our team was able to come up with a rich campaign that encapsulated the spirit of the exciting new exhibit.

The new African Savanna exhibit was built around a central prairie that houses giraffes, springbok, ostriches and many more species all in one exhibit. A winding path gives visitors a 360-degree view of the animals in the prairie and allows people to get closer to the animals than ever before. This creates a truly unique experience for each visitor and ensures that no two visits are alike. The main attractions are the hippo exhibit that includes above-water and underwater viewing, and the giraffe feeding deck. The new Savanna exhibit features shaded viewing spaces and is surrounded by an aviary that houses a variety of bird species.


  • Generate awareness of the new African Savanna exhibit
  • Send interested web traffic to the Zoo’s website
  • Drive more ticket sales centered around new exhibits

The Approach

The Get Closer campaign was created to highlight the capabilities of the new African Savanna exhibit and emphasize the intimate experience that the space offers visitors. We needed to clearly communicate that the African Savanna allows patrons the opportunity to get closer to the animals than ever before, and illuminate the giraffe feeding platform, and the hippo exhibit.

Before launching the campaign, our team developed a detailed multimedia strategy that would get more people interested in exploring the African Savanna exhibit. To deploy a fully-integrated campaign, we incorporated digital and broadcast ads alongside more traditional out-of-home ads in the form of pole banners, billboards and bus benches that were placed in strategic positions throughout the metroplex.

The Creative

The campaign featured the two stars of the new exhibit: the underwater hippo viewing area, and the elevated giraffe feeding station. Hahahaha developed concepts that communicated the intimacy of the space, while also inviting audiences to look adventure in the eye.

We really enjoy using a medium to its full potential and thinking about new ways to use traditional mediums that command consumer attention. For the Get Closer hippo billboard, we used extensions to maximize the real estate on the board and communicate the capability of the new hippo viewing area. By extending the hippo’s head over the top of the board, we were able to mimic the water line and show viewers the capabilities of the exhibit.

Savanna TV Spot

We chose to use the African Savanna TV spot to expand and support the campaign’s core idea of “getting closer” to the animals and take local families on an authentic African safari right in the heart of Fort Worth. The commercial features children and families getting close enough to the animals to play a small game of “monkey-see, monkey-do,” and interacting with the new exhibit’s animal kingdom. Filming animals is unpredictable, but the “talent” decided that they were ready for their closeups and behaved like seasoned professionals.

The Results

  • The weekend after campaign launch saw a 316% increase in ticket sales compared to the weekend before campaign launch.
  • The 60 days after campaign launch sold greater than 35,000 more tickets than the same 60-day segment in 2017, for a 14.3% increase in ticket sales.
  • Standard media display click-thru-rate 216% higher than industry benchmark of .06%.
  • Rich media display click-thru-rate 46% higher than industry average of 2.25%.

Making Life Better

At Hahahaha, we strive to make life better with each project that we take on and in every conversation we have. Going to the Fort Worth Zoo is an incredible experience, and it’s an honor to work with an organization that practices such extensive conservation efforts. Feeding a giraffe or standing eye-to-eye with a hippopotamus is such a joy for people of all ages and working to share that experience with a wider audience was the big cat’s pajamas.

More than 9 million Americans battle psoriasis every year, and many of them aren’t happy with their treatment options. Fort Worth-based biotech company Nuvothera recognized a market opportunity for a more effective over-the-counter (OTC) psoriasis treatment, so they created a powerful three-step solution that patients could purchase without a prescription. Hahahaha was charged with branding the new product and encouraging patient adherence. 


  • Drive brand awareness, interest and online purchases among the target audience
  • Generate audience interest
  • Establish trust and credibility of Prosoria
  • Motivate consumers to buy Prosoria online
  • Build customer loyalty and drive repeat purchases

The Situation

Most people that suffer from psoriasis share a general dissatisfaction and skepticism with their current treatments and their over-the-counter options. They are constantly seeking something to treat psoriasis effectively and help them stay clear by preventing flare ups. They’ve tried other solutions – both prescriptions and OTC – but they haven’t found the treatment that’s right for them. 

Enter Prosoria. 

Prosoria contains clinical-strength, natural ingredients that work to effectively relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. Prosoria gives people battling psoriasis the confidence they need to stick with their skincare regimen and reinforces their confidence with an effective treatment for managing their psoriasis that is safe to use every day. It is a safe, effective solution and stands out as a trusted OTC medication.

A Message that Reads as Easy as 1-2-3

We wanted to highlight that Prosoria was an easy-to-use, highly effective OTC product with the quality of prescription psoriasis treatment. When creating the brand, we developed a logo and brand that stands out in the OTC space, but still has the reliable look and feel of a prescription-strength brand. Our team also sought to create a package that stood out on the shelves and engaged consumers to pick it up and purchase Prosoria.

We created a logo that includes 3 dots on top of the “i” in “Prosoria” to symbolize the application process and the packaging links together to illustrate a clear sequence of order and use. Like so many products, adherence is key and we wanted consumers to clearly understand how to use this product to get the best results. The gradual, easy gradient of blue to purple nods to the ease of use and the friendly effects of psoriasis treatment by Prosoria. 


  • Created a compelling, friendly identity system and packaging that communicates the ease and effectiveness of a new product that will stand out in the over-the-counter space.

November 1, 2017

A little stronger

One of our clients, Air Comfort, is located at the heart of Southeast Texas, where Hurricane Harvey hit a few months ago. While the area was still reeling, they came to us with an urgent request – help us create a powerful video that embodies how we’ve been part of the community effort in dealing with this natural disaster. Through our partnership with N8 Visuals, we were able to bring that request to life.
Creating this video was a delicate line to walk, showing the damage and rebuild without appearing to capitalize on the situation. It was also an incredibly time sensitive assignment, where we needed to be nimble and move quickly.
Hurricane Harvey Video BTS
With that in mind, the concept we developed relies on storytelling VO and speaks more to the community’s spirit of resilience and heart rather than focusing on Air Comfort. We were inspired by the true stories of a community coming together and helping their neighbors, and it showed. Air Comfort employees opened their homes to our team and let us film during an incredibly sensitive time, laying bare entire neighborhoods that were destroyed.
The results of those efforts show in the final video, and we couldn’t be more proud. #SETXSTRONG

April 7, 2017

A lasting impression

The Hurst Conference Center website redesign brings an air of elegance to the venue. Currently catering to corporate meeting planners, social event coordinators and brides-to-be, the website needed to provide specific information that was relevant to each target audience. This was achieved through intuitive navigation and individualized content.

The website leads with beautiful photography of the venue and, most notably, their fiber-optic chandelier. The refreshed design reflects high-end clientele and more aptly represents the quality of service the Hurst Conference Center offers.

Utilizing grid structures for organizational clarity, every aspect of the redesign provides a hassle-free planning process for potential clients. Each interior page has responsive menus that display room capacities, technical offerings and floor plans. With all the details carefully thought out, the quality of online service now mirrors the level of customer service the Hurst Conference Center provides.

February 20, 2017

Keeping it cool

Family-owned and operated since 1954, Air Comfort is an HVAC and Refrigeration company that provides customized solutions in the residential, commercial, industrial and marine sectors. Founded on the values of quality, integrity, commitment and safety, Air Comfort delivers excellence in everything from custom fabrication to service and installation. As the Southeast Texas based company began to grow into extended markets, the brand needed to reflect the level of professionalism and expertise of the business.

The brand refresh began, as most do, with the logo. Subtle adjustments to color, shape and typography brought the logo set up to date while maintaining the equity of the original mark. From there came brand extensions, most notably the van wraps. As a primary symbol of their service and residential sectors, the vans needed to communicate the brand’s new identity and serve as a moving advertisement while out on the job.

Originally relying on word-of-mouth and face-to-face business, Air Comfort had a need to speak to a larger audience. And when we say speak, we mean allow the Vice President to “Fabio-up” and lay it all on the line for his business. With years of growth and notoriety in the community, Air Comfort’s team was eager to let their hair down with a humorous TV spot, and we couldn’t have been more proud of the finished product:



December 27, 2016

A wilder vision


The Fort Worth Zoo, one of the top 5 zoos in the country, is undertaking a massive expansion campaign, with the goal of raising $100 million dollars to expand the park. The expansion will include new exhibit space, renovated habitats, special events space, multiple dining areas, and most importantly, new ways to observe, interact with and learn about animals. The expansion will guarantee for future generations the survival of many endangered species.

The Zoo needed a clever solution to bring this capital initiative campaign to life to the Fort Worth and surrounding communities. Haha Haha was tasked with developing an integrated media strategy and creative campaign to drive awareness, engagement, ambassadorship and donations.

On September 12, Fort Worth got water-colored. The Fort Worth Zoo kicked off the public phase of its $100 million capital campaign by promoting splashes of color all over the city. For 5 weeks, the community chattered with speculation on what this “advertising as art” represented. The campaign evolved over the following weeks, with each phase revealing a little bit more of the campaign. Culminating with a launch event for community leaders, the campaign revealed the public-facing fundraising effort.

 Campaign Goals:

  • Generate awareness of “A Wilder Vision,” the Fort Worth Zoo’s plans for significant expansion over the next 8 years.
  • Drive donations from the Dallas-Fort Worth Community.
  • Drive web traffic to the Zoo’s giving site in order to generate excitement and process donations.


Our reporting approach consisted of consolidating data from multiple sources such as social media platforms, display networks, and external and internal email platforms for a multi-phased campaign approach. By making continuous optimizations throughout the campaign, we were able to drive the below performance wins.

In the quiet phase, the Zoo raised approximately $90 million of the $100 million goal, with the public facing campaign focused on generating the remaining $10 million. The campaign continued until the end of November and will begin again in FY2017.


Display engagement rates above the industry benchmarks

Increase in traffic, from Phase 1 to Phase 2

Lift in impressions from Phase 1 to Phase 2

Increase in web sign-ups from Phase 1 to Phase 2

Above industry performance benchmark open rates for email
















