Haha Haha Co.


Giving Kyzatrex® renewed energy and vibrance with a new brand campaign.

Kyzatrex Law Mower Hero


More than 20 million men deal with problems related to hypogonadism, or low testosterone. Many patients and HCPs have preconceived notions about diagnosis and treatment, and tend to focus solely on sexual health benefits. But low testosterone can also contribute to health problems ranging from mild issues such as fatigue, to severe problems including obesity, type 2 diabetes, CVD and mental illness.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is an emerging market that still falls to the bottom of the priority list for many HCPs. Despite its prevalence and chronicity, the diagnosis, administration and management of TRT remains a complex journey that, until Kyzatrex®, only came in painful, inconvenient or messy treatment options. Kyzatrex, however, brought an innovative new approach to the market by providing the option of helping patients address this important metabolic issue with a convenient daily oral dose — a difference that HCPs needed to be aware of.

Kyzatrex Heroes


  • Create a campaign that “cuts through the clutter” of prescriptive testosterone patches, gels, pills and injections
  • Develop brand messaging that resonates with both consumers and healthcare providers
  • Boost brand awareness rapidly
  • Establish metrics for gauging the success of the campaign


Because HCPs and patients alike primarily equate testosterone primarily with sexual health, Kyzatrex needed to change the conversation. Research provided insights and understanding of the target’s mindset that led to a revelation: Kyzatrex delivers the total package — convenience and a therapeutic option for a critical metabolic health issue. More importantly, Kyzatrex helps HCPs and patients make more of their everyday lives and activities.

We tapped into the truth around this once mysterious condition and chose a path that took the emphasis off of sexual health. Instead, we turned the spotlight on how TRT impacts a patient’s everyday tasks. Through our creative approach, we made men heroes of their lives again, elevating the mundane into heroic feats. We engaged HCPs with images as dynamic as movie posters, glorifying the way the daily grind can actually be heroic when their patients feel like themselves again. And, with meaningful clinical data to back it up, we ensured the HCPs would be heroes, too.

Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Making mundane moments memorable. Framing the everyday as heroic. In short: Changing the conversation.

Kyzatrex Brochures


Within a quarter of launching a bold, attention-grabbing campaign that used print, collateral, digital and social channels, the client was able to rapidly grab attention — and secure results. Among them included:

  • Generating a rapid spike in prescriptions
  • Inking a number of high-profile clinical agreements
  • Establishing an important co-marketing relationship with a leading telehealth company


The more competitive a market or communications space becomes, the more crucial it is to find ways to elevate a brand above the noise and clutter. In this case, a breakthrough shift to a differentiated brand personality embraced bigger, bolder graphics, allowing Kyzatrex to do exactly that. It also effectively engaged patients and HCPs in a highly human-centric way, positioning the client for greater success and to secure a larger share of this growing market.

Kyzatrex ads

Using BigFoot to tease a big reveal. 


Within the eyecare industry, the idea of interventional glaucoma treatment has been categorized as an elusive myth for years. ViaLase developed a game-changing system designed to leverage two proven technologies to create a new, non-invasive approach to glaucoma. When this new system is approved by regulatory agencies, the myth will finally become a reality. Therefore, our client needed a campaign that would create attention and support a successful launch of the new concept.


  • Develop materials needed for a successful brand launch
  • Develop a highly visible campaign that would cut through the clutter of a crowded market 
  • Rapidly generate brand awareness
  • Explain the fundamental technology behind the device
  • Solicit interest and inquiries from qualified leads
  • Provide meaningful measurements of the campaign results


Haha Haha responded with a showstopping, attention-grabbing campaign that used teaser imagery of a Sasquatch, or “BigFoot”, creature to convey that the “mythical creature” was finally here – and real. The sheer uniqueness of the concept was a huge and dramatic departure from the cold, clinical ads embraced by other players in the industry. 


An integrated campaign was launched that included paid search, organic social, email, and digital display on well-known industry publications and websites. Each medium enabled the client to tell its story and document the response rates as viewers clicked through for downloads, demos and landing-page visits. 

Vialase yeti display ads


By leveraging paid search and strategically-chosen publication placements (such as newsletters, e-blasts, ROS banners, and sponsored social posts), the campaign achieved noteworthy results within the first three months of launch.

  • Website tracking identified 98% new site visits, with an impressive 53% engagement rate
  • High clickthrough rates 
  • And, most importantly, awareness started with a bang, with healthy responses from an elite and highly-qualified audience of eyecare and glaucoma specialists


New Users




Engagement Rate


Vialase yeti print ads


The launch campaign accomplished its primary goal of driving brand awareness among surgeons for ViaLase and its innovative design.  And, in addition to gaining insights into paid search performance, the client began to forge strategic partnerships with leading industry publications. The geographic spread and engagement metrics highlight the campaign’s effectiveness in reaching a qualified audience, setting a strong foundation for future marketing efforts.

Overall, the campaign was another example of Hahahaha’s ability to combine solid knowledge of healthcare markets and attention-grabbing creativity to tell a cohesive and relevant brand story.

Developing sales support materials that are on time, on budget — and on the mark.


Galderma, a leading manufacturer of OTC and prescription skin care products, had developed a new formula aimed at helping teenagers fight acne. The new product’s launch faced two challenges: First, it had a new and unique Mechanism of Action (MOA) that needed to be communicated to dermatologists and other healthcare professionals (HCPs). Second, a limited budget restricted the options that their large global brand agency was able to provide.


  • Support the new brand launch of Twyneo
  • Distill key product information and prepare highly memorable assets
  • Expand the reach of launch budget by providing better value than larger global agencies
  • Encourage HCPs to write Twyneo for teen acne patients by clearly differentiating the product


At the core of the product’s efficacy was a microencapsulation technology that combines tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide (BPO). Both molecules have proven efficacy for the treatment of acne but had never before been combined into one formulation. The goal of the initiative was to equip the sales reps with materials that could simply outline and educate how microencapsulation works on the skin, to an audience of HCPs.

Twyneo Sales Aid


Healthcare professionals tend to be busy people, and the solution needed to communicate quickly and effectively. Hahahaha designed a compelling sales aid that used custom die-cut and pop-up images to clearly show how encapsulation worked, and how it set Twyneo apart from other products on the market.

A complementary animated video brought the MOA to life and used Key Opinion Leaders for narration. Hahahaha created a visual tool that did the heavy lifting of differentiating the product, while working within the brand’s existing graphic standards.

These effective, engaging sales tools enabled the reps to make a visually compelling case for how this never-before-seen combination of molecules provided HCPs — and their teen patients — with a new solution for moderate to severe acne.

Twyneo Close Up Sales Aid


Working on a tight timeline and narrow budget, Hahahaha:

  • Developed a suite of sales resources (innovative sales aid and MOA video) that equipped the sales team for a successful product launch.
  • Highlighted the unique and innovative nature of the new product
  • Supported successful first-year adoption through in-person sales  


By working within the client’s budget and timeline, Hahahaha provided a level of value and quality that extended the client’s budget far beyond the capabilities of a large, global agency. Our “right size” agility and flexibility enabled us to mobilize quickly, and develop distinctive, memorable launch assets that led to a successful adoption curve with HCPs.

Technology permeates every aspect of our lives. It continually reshapes the way we communicate, live, work, and even manage our health. One of the most promising strides in healthcare technology is the pivotal role it plays in improving patient outcomes.

A frequent and long-encountered challenge for both healthcare brands and providers is patient adherence to treatment plans and corresponding medications, actions and lifestyle changes. Creating a habit is difficult for anyone, and adapting to changes in your health journey is no different. Adherence is made even more challenging by the fact that changes are often multi-pronged; a new regimen can include taking medication as prescribed, following dietary recommendations, attending regular appointments, and adopting lifestyle changes. That’s a lot to ask — but it’s also important. The impact of non-adherence is estimated to cost the healthcare industry billions of dollars annually, not to mention impacting the ability to drive optimal outcomes.

Fortunately, there are many things brands can do to improve patient adherence — and many of them involve leveraging technological advancements. Some of our favorite platforms to drive patient adherence are:

  • Patient Engagement Platforms: Web portals with complementing CRM support and, even better, mobile apps/communications are powerful tools in improving patient adherence. In fact, we’ve seen direct success of these tools through simple solutions such as reminders, patient empowerment and progress tracking to encourage patients in taking an active role in their treatment journey.
  • Remote Monitoring and Wearables: Approximately 45% of Americans have a smart watch and a growing number of remote monitoring solutions enter the market each year. With this comes a wealth of patient data that, when handled responsibly, can enable providers and brands to intervene promptly, provide more personalized care and help improve adherence to treatment plans.
  • Virtual On-Demand Support: The “always-on” flexibility of virtual consultations, access and appointments reduces the patient burden for in-person visits. This, in turn, can improve overall accessibility to services. Virtual consultations enable healthcare providers to meet patients in a way that’s convenient for them, which in turn can drive both patient satisfaction and adherence.

Regardless of delivery platform, strategies used to increase patient adherence should remain consistent. Emerging technology makes these strategies more obtainable to healthcare organizations of varying sizes. And, the impact AI will have on expanding opportunity for brands has only just begun. The most promising opportunities we see center around:

  • Personalized Education: Leveraging marketing automation to provide personalized educational content to foster a deeper understanding of the condition and importance of adherence.
  • Continuous Communication: Encouraging patient ownership of their health outcomes through timely inquiries, regular updates and prompt two-way communication to demonstrate commitment.
  • Reminders & Notifications: Harnessing engagement platforms that can automatically guide patients through low-burden (but powerful) nudges about medication schedules, upcoming appointments and critical milestones.
  • Incentives & Gamification: Making adherence an enjoyable experience by offering motivators and tapping into our inherent human desire to be ‘rewarded’ for our efforts.

Technology offers ample opportunity for healthcare brands of all sizes and resource levels to deliver better, more automated solutions to drive patient adherence and increase health outcomes. Haha Haha is no stranger to this challenge and would welcome the opportunity to find the right solution for your organization that drives tangible results. Our team of experienced professionals brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and creativity to the table. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

For a leading third-party manufacturer, rising above the competition began with a new marketing campaign.

The Situation

Argon Medical Devices came to Hahahaha with a need to create awareness for its brand and various product lines. Its key objectives included elevating awareness of Argon Custom Product Solutions (CPS), a division that offers private label and third-party manufacturing capabilities to clients.


  • Increase awareness of the Argon corporate brand and Argon CPS brand
  • Educate and engage a global Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) audience
  • Generate qualified leads at the top of the funnel to handoff to the sales team
  • Build loyalty and differentiation with precise, customer-centric messaging


Argon CPS faced two crucial challenges: First, its awareness in this crowded market was low. Second, in a sector that is heavily driven by price, Argon CPS needed to position itself as a premium brand that brought greater value to customers through an unmatched mix of expertise and capabilities.


Hahahaha developed a strategic campaign that differentiated Argon CPS by promoting its superior level of service, quality, and customization. The new tagline “Build It Better” laddered up to and tied-into the existing Argon corporate brand messaging.

Core messages highlighted attributes such as design and testing capabilities, US-based manufacturing facilities, and Argon’s ability to collaborate with client product development teams. Campaign graphics used upscale visual patterns to underscore the client’s endless customization capabilities and showcase specific product categories.

We then deployed a media strategy for email, social media, digital and online industry publications that carefully homed-in on a global audience of manufacturers and decision makers. Careful audience targeting ensured minimal waste — and maximum results.


Our digital and email tactics carefully targeted recipients by geography and title, allowing us to track campaign results with a high degree of accuracy that: 

  • Generated more than 36K website sessions from 31K+ new users
  • Achieved 3.3 million targeted impressions in less than one year
  • Achieved a 6% Paid Search click-through rate, 1.8x the industry benchmark
  • Launched 463K emails, opened by 20% of recipients
  • Tracked clicked-through rates of prime prospects, including Marketplace Optimization (MPO) click-through rates of .86% 
Argon CPS Email


Differentiation is always important – especially in categories driven by price or viewed as commodities. By elevating Argon CPS above the industry norm, we strengthened its appeal to higher-end device manufacturers who value quality, service and collaboration.

Effective marketing goes beyond promoting products and services. Customers demand connections with brands on a deeper level with customized, tailored messaging that makes them think ‘this brand is for ME’.

In today’s multicultural society, representation in healthcare marketing is critical to establishing meaningful connections and, ultimately, driving tangible business results. The inclusion of diverse communities must extend across platforms for several reasons:

  • Connecting authentically with the target audience: Healthcare marketing should mirror the diversity of the population it serves. Patient and HCP demographics are not monolithic. They come from various ethnic, racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Tailoring communications to represent these diverse groups ensures that healthcare organizations are reaching their target audiences effectively.
  • Strengthening trust and credibility: Representation helps build trust between healthcare brands and the providers or patients they want to connect with. When individuals see themselves reflected in marketing messages, they feel understood and validated. In turn, that makes these targets more likely to engage because their needs and experiences are acknowledged.
  • Springboarding growth for the common good: By directly addressing appropriate representation, we can allude to or increase awareness of healthcare disparities that may exist in our communities. This simple act of inclusion demonstrates the commitment to eliminating gaps in care and working towards equitable healthcare access and outcomes.

Of course, it’s unrealistic to assume that every brand has the resources to develop hundreds of personalized messages that include everyone in their target audience. At Hahahaha, we frequently help clients deploy effective strategies to strike the balance between limited resources and representative communications. Those strategies include:

  • Start with language accessibility: Consider the preferred or native languages of your target audience. Let that guide your message, and even your platform. Move beyond direct translation of materials, and into transcreation, delivering a culturally relevant message that truly speaks your audience’s language.
  • Consider overall patient health literacy: Effective communications always begin with tailoring a message to meet audiences where they are. In the case of health literacy, understand the overall level of patient comprehension and ensure your materials are built appropriately. Break down complex medical procedures or MOAs into simple, digestible components. Use analogies to explain procedures or complex ideas in a clear, relatable way.
  • Harness the power of data: Leverage your existing customer data or turn to partners to help identify audience behaviors and preferences. Leverage the power of marketing automations, chatbots and other data services to create more customization at scale.
  • Leverage visual representation: Imagery will continue to be one of the strongest drivers of emotion and connection. Expand diversity in your imagery beyond just ethnicity to include age, body makeup, ability and more. Explore the flexibility that illustration can provide in delivering representation at scale.
  • Gather insight from your patient/HCP base and community organizations: Actively listen to the patients, HCPs or communities you’re targeting, so that you can better understand their needs, challenges and motivations. Learn what they really want from your brand and apply those learnings to create tailored messages that allow you to build more meaningful relationships.
  • Utilize testimonials and existing customer stories: Let your customers tell their own stories and share their direct experiences with your brand. Their stories are one of the strongest ways to humanize your brand and create relatability with a broader audience.

Representation in healthcare marketing is not just about meeting diversity quotas. It is about recognizing, celebrating and respecting the unique qualities of your diverse target audience, and intentionally deploying a messaging strategy that meets them where they are. By embracing representation and diversifying communications, healthcare brands can establish valuable connections, build trust, and ultimately provide more personalized and inclusive care.

At Haha Haha, we understand the significance of representation in healthcare marketing. Our human-first approach focuses on diversifying communications to connect with your audiences more effectively. Through data-driven insights we can help your brand deploy inclusive strategies that deliver on your organizational goals. Contact us today to learn more about our patient-centered solutions and how we can assist you in creating impactful healthcare marketing campaigns.

How Argon Medical Devices merged multiple brands and hundreds of SKUs into a single, cohesive user experience (UX).

Argon on mobile phone


As a global company with multiple sub-brands and literally hundreds of products, Argon Medical Devices faced a major challenge in creating a simple and cohesive online presence. Argon tapped Hahahaha to execute a complete overhaul of its website, from site architecture all the way through design and development.

Argon webpage image


  • Enhance and optimize the user experience
  • Accommodate international customizations and product offerings
  • Restructure multiple sub-brands and product lines into a single cohesive, centralized site
  • Modernize the design to align with Argon’s new corporate positioning and graphic standards
  • Allow room for growth as future products, capabilities and divisions emerge
Argon webpage image


Having recently repositioned the company, Hahahaha realized that updating the Argon website would require more than organizing products and accommodating multiple languages. To expedite the process, the creative and digital teams worked in tandem, collaborating closely to ensure that the design and function worked in unison.

While Hahahaha’s creative team worked to update design and messaging to align with the new brand trajectory, the digital team examined ways to streamline customer ordering, overcome language barriers, simplify navigation, and create a better user experience across the site’s 70+ pages and thousands of potential product permutations.

Argon webpage image


The creative team united all business units under the new Argon brand positioning: The Pursuit of Better. This gave all visitors a consistent view of who Argon was, and the shared mission and values that united its multiple brands.

Meanwhile, the Hahahaha development team navigated an ever-changing SKU list as the client consolidated product lines. We then performed a number of user experience exercises to build a more efficient user flow for searching and ordering product samples. The new site was able to leverage geolocation to customize content based on the user’s global region, and allowed text to be dynamically translated into multiple languages.

Argon webpage image


The Hahahaha team replaced complexity with clarity, and delivered a site that accomplished key goals for both new and existing customers. The improvements included:

  • Successfully consolidating multiple domains and destinations into one organized, easy-to-navigate site
  • Enabling the client to make revisions and updates easily with minimal training
  • Reorganizing and narrowing the featured products to allow an easier search and order experience
  • Automating processes to further improve UX and leveraging geolocation to only showcase products in regions where they are available
Argon mobile image


To deliver a site that met the client’s goals with a global audience, the Hahahaha team leveraged Argon’s core strengths of effective brand messaging and in-depth knowledge of the healthcare space. The client now has a site that better serves its needs today — and will support the brand as it continues to grow and evolve in the years ahead.

A client shifted its market focus — and needed a new brand to support it.


A client with a long history in the ophthalmology space found itself at a crossroads: It had established a reputation as a leader in osmolarity testing, but planned to expand into the broader realm of corneal health. It made a bold decision to rebrand from the foundation up – including changing its name.

trukera logos


  • Successfully navigate the company through this crucial transition
  • Develop a new name aligned with the company’s goals
  • Create a new logo, identity package, brand guidelines and graphic standards
  • Relaunch the brand with a campaign that explained the new name, communicated the expansion into corneal health, and elevated the company’s brand presence
  • Launch the new brand in time for an important annual trade show


Equipped with an extensive depth of experience in the vision and ophthalmology space, Hahahaha drew up a plan to move the client forward quickly. We began to develop the new name and identity, while simultaneously crafting the preliminary advertising concepts and media strategies. Executing these efforts in tandem would enable us to meet aggressive deadlines and accelerate time to market — while ensuring that everyone had adequate time for development, review and revision of all the pieces of the puzzle.

images of eyeballs


The company relaunched under the name Trukera, derived from “true + cornea”. This enabled Trukera to emphasize its total commitment to corneal care in bringing solutions to market that help providers objectively diagnose, manage and advance the health of the cornea. The color choice behind the logo’s green color palette was especially intentional, as a nod to the coloring of a healthy cornea found on a topographic map.

The new advertising campaign unveiled the company’s evolved focus with a memorable tagline: It’s amazing how much rides on something so small. The accompanying images depicted the 12mm diameter of the average cornea.

Along the way, Hahahaha added touches to lift the client’s advertising above the competition. For example, we chose a color scheme that broke the sea of blue that typified the industry. In addition, our creative executions diverted from the industry norm of depicting close-up images of the eye. The result: Bold, simple and clear creative that cut through the clutter.


By pursuing the naming and creative portions of the assignment in tandem, Hahahaha helped the client launch in time for the annual American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) show. The new name and strategy garnered a positive response from both new and existing customers.

trukera callout


Hahahaha leveraged expertise in healthcare, brand strategy, and design to move the client forward quickly, and differentiate them from a crowded landscape of “look alike” brands. By clearly defining its focus and standing apart from the clutter, Trukera is on a solid path for staking out its territory in the realm of corneal care.

For the TearCare® System, a crucial step in promoting their solution was to become an advocate for change.


At first glance, dry eye disease (DED) sounds like a mere inconvenience. However, left untreated, this chronic, progressive condition can impact the vision, surgical outcomes and quality of life of millions of patients. Even though meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is the most prevalent form of dry eye, in-office procedures to address it are relatively new — and none are reimbursed by insurers. As a result, only patients who can cover the out-of-pocket expense receive treatment.

The TearCare® System is designed to address MGD by evacuating obstructed glands using therapeutic heat and natural blink responses. However, to gain wider adoption, fair reimbursement was needed. The company sought to change reimbursement policies and broaden access to care by raising awareness of the situation. TearCare® tapped Hahahaha to lead this effort.

Tearcare magazine ad and staff holding signs


  • Reiterate the threats associated with MGD
  • Raise broad, industry-wide awareness of current compensation and reimbursement limitations
  • Reach an array of stakeholders with a message of “Fair Access”
  • Rally the market to support reimbursement and accessibility for the benefit of patients, practices and payors
  • Increase awareness of the TearCare® System
Tearcare magazine ad and staff holding megaphones


The client was ready to promote the need for change and had allocated resources to do it. However, to truly influence the market, the brand also needed to demonstrate the growing support of this movement from eye care professionals (ECPs), patients, employers and other key constituents.


To convey this message, Hahahaha created a campaign that captured the feel of a public protest or political rally. In each execution, a real ECP, patient or eye care industry figure appeared with a sign that read “MGD Care Is Not Fair For All.”

Using precise targeting, Hahahaha reached optometrists, administrators, payors and other audiences with a “protester/spokesperson” relevant to them. Using faces and names that are known throughout the industry helped build momentum over time, and, ultimately, drove awareness over the top. 

Tearcare ads


By cutting through the clutter of standard medical device advertising, the campaign achieved a high degree of visibility and effectiveness. Within the first few months, the brand realized noticeable results, including:

  • 31K new users to the mytearcare.com site
  • 228 new requests for information on the TearCare® System from qualified users

More importantly, the industry is becoming aware of the need to recognize MGD as a reimbursable procedure — which is a crucial first step to change.


In this campaign, we effectively humanized a client’s treatment. Rather than promoting features and benefits of a specific solution, we showed the basic need for access to care — and the simple lack of fairness of not covering a widespread condition. We made the cause personal by featuring people our audiences knew — and who unquestionably held the best interests of patients and ECPs as a top priority.

How we helped NCODA translate membership benefits into an actionable message —
and surpass goals by 3X.

trade show


NCODA is an organization that provides resources, events and educational opportunities that enable oncologists, oncology pharmacists, healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare students to connect and collaborate for optimal cancer patient outcomes. However, low awareness was keeping the organization from realizing its full potential as an information hub for HCPs seeking unbiased information on innovative oral and IV cancer treatments, as well as career-building tips to keep them engaged in this vital specialty.

Initially, Haha Haha was enlisted to help drive awareness of the organization and its full suite of benefits. As the campaign progressed, internal business priorities shifted from awareness to membership growth. Hahahaha partnered with NCODA to determine how to best adapt the current in-market campaign to aligning with the goal of growing the organization’s base through new member sign ups.



  • Expand awareness of the organization, its mission and its extensive array of
    member benefits
  • Distill an extensive and complex array of member benefits into a succinct,
    motivating message
  • Adapt to changing priorities by shifting the campaign focus from brand awareness
    to new memberships
  • Drive new memberships through paid media


To drive awareness, Hahahaha initially developed a strategy that helped humanize the organization by speaking directly to the membership about the difference that interaction and collaboration can make. The aim was to communicate that by joining NCODA, you’re collaborating and connecting with the best minds in the industry – and helping further advances in cancer care. The message was delivered through an omni-channel campaign — a first for the client.

name tags


Hahahaha delivered a campaign and helped control creative costs by photographing actual NCODA members who were attending a scheduled conference. By using actual members, we were able to communicate in a realistic and convincing manner how NCODA helped members benefit by staying connected and tuned in to the latest developments in oncology.

When the business priorities changed the focus of the campaign from awareness to membership enrollment, our media efforts easily adapted to the new direction; it was a matter of moving an already interested audience toward signing up. The Hahahaha team responded with speed and agility, making seamless changes to the existing digital assets. We then quickly set a tangible new member goal using estimates based on our experience with average costs per acquisition (CPA).

The revised media strategy was launched — and quickly surpassed expectations.



All clients have finite resources. For NCODA, the limitations of total media dollars were more pronounced than usual. This challenge was something Hahahaha was ready and able to overcome. As a result, building a symbiotic creative and media strategy was key to expanding the brand’s awareness and significantly exceed membership goals in record time.

  • Exceeded paid media membership projections by 3X
  • Surpassed assisted conversion goal
  • Attracted new users to the NCODA website through paid media
  • 74% of all member enrollment page views were generated from paid media


Hahahaha met the initial task of distilling a very robust array of benefits into an easy-to-digest creative and media strategy. But when the strategy shifted to membership, we illustrated our ability to provide significant real bottom-line value. Our agility and flexibility enabled us to quickly re-tool our approach, then develop a media strategy that exceeded all projections. Working within a limited budget, the agency was able to leverage the client’s marketing dollars as effectively as possible. In the end, we clearly illustrated the type of ROI that could be generated by a smart, results-oriented campaign.